Friday night saw a very momentous occasion at the Black Horse in Eastcote – The last ever Fast Buck gig. Yes, Ed and Richard played for the last time as a duo, as Richard has decided to hang up his keyboards and call it a day ! To be clear and avoid any abiguity or confusion, that only means Fast Buck The Duo and not the full Fast Buck Band. So Richard will still be making appearances with the full Fast Buck band and not the duo. There we are – all as clear as a muddy PA system !
Anyway, for those of you who missed it, the place was jam packed as you can probably imagine, and there were plenty of loyal Fast Buck followers ( ‘Buckettes’ ) present to witness this swansong. It was a most enjoyable evening but arguably a bit on the overcrowded side. Still, some would consider this a small price to pay for witnessing the end of an era and a fond farewell to a much loved duo. Could they reform sometime in the future ? Well, I’d say there’s definitely more chance of it happening than the Beatles getting back together again.
Ed was in action again on Saturday night at the Six Bells in Kingston. This time he was teamed up with fellow singer / guitarist Andy Locke in the guise of the recently formed ‘A&E’. It was a fairly quiet evening punter-wise but very good none the less and they are set to perform together regularly.
On that note, I should point out that for news of future A & E ( Andy and Ed ) gigs and Ed’s ‘All By Myself” Tour, and of course Fast Buck ( The Band !!! ) …… click on the Fast Buck link, down below in the right hand column. You will then find yourself transported to Ed’s website which, aside from a gig guide, has bunches of other entertaining stuff too ! So why not have a look ? !
Anyway, hopefully it won’t be long before I’m ‘back on the road’ again. Watch this space !
In the meantime please feel free to keeping logging on to RKmusic for all the latest !
BFN, Rob.