Friday night saw a very momentous occasion at the Black Horse in Eastcote – The last ever Fast Buck gig. Yes, Ed and Richard played for the last time as a duo, as Richard has decided to hang up his keyboards and call it a day !  To be clear and avoid any abiguity or confusion, that only means Fast Buck The Duo and not the full Fast Buck Band. So Richard will still be making appearances with the full Fast Buck band and not the duo.  There we are – all as clear as a muddy PA system !

Fast Buck

Anyway, for those of you who missed it, the place was jam packed as you can probably imagine, and there were plenty of loyal Fast Buck followers ( ‘Buckettes’ ) present to witness this swansong.  It was a  most enjoyable evening but arguably a bit on the overcrowded side. Still, some would consider this a small price to pay for witnessing the end of an era and a fond farewell to a much loved duo. Could they reform sometime in the future ?  Well, I’d say there’s definitely more chance of it happening than the Beatles getting back together again.

Ed was in action again on Saturday night at the Six Bells in Kingston. This time he was teamed up with fellow singer / guitarist Andy Locke in the guise of the recently formed  ‘A&E’. It was a fairly quiet evening punter-wise but very good none the less and they are set to perform together regularly.

On that note, I should point out that for news of future A & E ( Andy and Ed ) gigs and Ed’s ‘All By Myself” Tour, and of course Fast Buck ( The Band !!! ) …… click on the  Fast Buck link, down below in the right hand column. You will then find yourself transported to Ed’s website which, aside from a gig guide, has bunches of other entertaining stuff too !  So why not have a look ? !

Anyway, hopefully it won’t be long before I’m ‘back on the road’ again.  Watch this space !

In the meantime please feel free to keeping logging on to RKmusic for all the latest !

BFN, Rob.

Hello again !

Well it’s all go this week isn’t it ! ? !

I’ve justed added, for your listening and viewing pleasure, a video clip from 2004 that I’ve recently come across.  For the past six years, in the depths of my archives, has lurked probably the earliest video clip of one of my solo gigs. It was filmed at a party held at Grreenford Hall on 23rd October 2004 to celebrate Steve’s birthday.  Steve, who hailed from New Zealand, was a work collegue of mine at the time and the party was full of his Kiwi friends.

Mark Chudley : Appearing at Jam Night

They were a friendly group of people who seemed to enjoy the set I played for them that night. Unfortunately, I’ve now lost touch with Steve, but who knows, perhaps he or one of his friends that was there that night might stumble across this clip on this site  and get in touch.

To see the clip just click on  Photos & Videos above and then scroll down until you get to all the videos – they’re under ther photos y’know !

Anyway, back to the present and I’m preparing myself for tonight’s weekly extravaganza that is Jam Night at The Middlesex Arms in South Ruislip. Lenny is away tonight, for one week only,  and I’m pleased to announce that filling in for him will be the one and only Pretend Pop Star himself, Mark Chudley. I haven’t played with Mark for quite a while, so it could be rather interesting.  So come down and enjoy the evening.  See you there !

BFN, Rob.

Firstly, last Friday night I attended my Cricket Club presentation evening, which was held at  a cozy local Chinese Restaurant.  In addition to the Chinese Cuisine, the evening included Karaoke … Terrific !  And so it was that I found myself part of a new boy band called ‘The Old Git’s or ‘The Old Farts’ or something like that.  Anyway three of us proceded to ruthlessly murder Springsteen’s ‘Born To Run’ and ‘Up The Junction’ by Squeeze.   Oh,  the  shame  of  it  all  !

Riff Raff at The Windsock Club

Anyway, fast forward twenty four hours !  A fairly sizeable crowd gathered last Saturday evening to see the mighty Riff Raff take to the stage once again at The Windsock Club in South Harrow.  This was a follow-up gig, having played a successful gig just a few weeks ago.  So, back by popular demand, Riff Raff’s performance seemed to be warmly received by everyone in attendance.

The first set contained some of the band’s more laid back numbers. This included a rendition of a song by Ed Miliband … or was it David Miliband ? … No, it was Steve Miller Band ! …  A magical version of ‘Abracadabra’. The interval saw copious amounts of sausages, chips, chips and more chips in evidence, being passed around the room and then devoured. ( Made a change from Cheese and Turkey sandwiches I suppose ! )

The second set saw the band launch into a more rocky format. The punters seemed to enjoy listening to the hour and a half of classics the band had served up  and at the end of the gig, as the plugs were pulled and the band cleared their gear, so the Karaoke bagan.  Oh no, not Karaoke again ! ? ! This seemed like the cue for the Riff Raff boys to exit stage right or left or anywhere that had an escape route !  Riff Raff and Karaoke don’t really mix !

I couldn’t help noticing the Karaoke track for ‘Back In the USSR’ started playing while I was packing my gear up. No one seemed to be on the mic and I was nearly tempted to get up and do it myself.  But then I remembered the vastly superior version given the Riff Raff treatment that we had already played a little earlier in the evening … No contest ! !

Anyway, you may be pleased to know that I’ve now put my selection of photos on the site for all and sundry to indulge in. So, if you want to have a look, just click on Photos & Videos above.

Oh well, that’s all for now. Time to go and watch the England game on the telly.  Second thoughts, anybody know where  there’s Karaoke tonight ?

BFN, Rob.

Hello again !

Here’s a quick round-up, past and future, of one or two things !

Andy Locke at The Red Lion, Isleworh

Ed Hamilton

This coming Friday 24th September sees ‘A & E’ at The Barley Mow in Shepperton. No, the NHS haven’t set up in the pub. Even if they had such a policy, it wouldn’t be needed at the Barley Mow as it is such a cozy and friendly pub. Mind you, imagine if an A & E Department was located at your local pub … as soon as there’s any fisty-cuffs the medics would already be on-site to deal with the cuts and scrapes. Hmm, I suppose you’d need an on-site Cop Shop too !  Things might get a bit too crowded, especially if you were to follow it to its logical conclusion and put the Magistrates Court in the pub as well, to deal with the miscreants.

Anyway, I digress ( rather badly ) !   ‘A & E’ actually stands for Andy and Ed,  as Messrs. Locke and Hamilton joining forces on Friday night for the first of their duo gigs.  It’s their first amalgamation under the A & E  banner so do yourselves a favour and go and see them … You’ll be pleased you did !

Rewinding to last Friday, The Royal Oak in Hampton played host to ‘Red’, one of my favourite local cover bands. As per usual Bob and the boys were on top form. Very good and very enjoyable !

On Thursday night I will be making my comeback at Jam Night at The Middlesex Arms in South Ruislip, following my recent lay off over the past few weeks. The knee is healing slowly and the physio is becoming increasingly arduous so hopefully that means I’m getting stronger. There’s still a long way to go though before I’m back to being 100% fit.  I’ve been using the extra time this has created, made available due to all the sitting about I’ve had to do, by putting together some new backing tracks for when I hit the road again with my ‘Rob Live’ gigs.  I haven’t got any gigs planned just yet, but … watch this space !

However, I will be playing with ‘Riff Raff’ on Saturday 9th October. This gig will be a repeat appearance at the ‘Windsock Club’ in South Harrow. It’s open to all,  so hopefully we will see some of you there.

Well, it’s about time to wrap things up for now and go and do some more physio.

See you soon.     BFN,   Rob.

In the words of David Jacobs – “Hello there !”

Rob at a previous gig

Another couple of weeks or so have elapsed since my last up-date ! So what’s new ?

Well, I’m pleased to say I’ve had my knee operation and all seems to be going well. Having recovered from the initial effects, I’m now starting to get out and about a bit and my rehabilitation seems to be showing signs of moving on a little since starting physiotherapy last week.

Last Thursday I visited Jam Night as a ‘punter’, as I’m still a few weeks away from being fit enough to resume normal duties. I did make a cameo appearance though, playing guitar on a couple of numbers, backing ‘Elliot’.

Last Monday was one of those rare days in the calendar, that the people of this country are given, a paultry number of times every year – a Bank Holiday !  So it was that I found myself just across the water from a famous old musical haunt from years gone by : Eel Pie Island.   Situated on the Thames at Twickenham, Eel Pie Island opened in 1956 as a trad jazz club. By early 1960’s, it had become a rhythm and blues venue and boasted an impressive roll call of bands and solo artists such as Alexis Korner, The Animals, The Yardbirds, The Rolling Stones, Long John Baldry, The Who, The Moody Blues, Rod Stewart, to name but a few. The club was closed down in the 1970’s and Eel Pie Island is now a private residential area. That’s the end of my very brief history lesson !

I’ve spent the last couple of weeks or so working on some new backing tracks, so that when I’m back in action again, I’ll have a few new numbers to play for you, my loyal followers, when you turn up to enjoy one of my ‘Rob Live’ solo gigs !  I’m not sure at this stage when that’s likely to be  – watch this space !

Well that’s about it for now.  Time for me to get back to the physiotherapy and backing tracks. Oh and the kettle’s just boiled too.  Such excitement ! !

BFN,  Rob.

Hello everybody !

Well, there’s been a lot going just lately. Here’s a quick summing up of what I’ve been involved with recently.

Riff Raff at 'MooseFest' 2010

The acoustic extravaganza that is MooseFest 2010 took place last Sunday. It featured music from Riff Raff, fresh from their RAFA fundraising gig at The Windsock Club in South Harrow on 31st July, playing their usual brand of rock and pop classics, and Joel and Friends, with a unique set of folk rock, much enjoyed by the appreciative audience. The annual ‘Robfest’ style event was re-named in honour of Rosie celebrating her 50th birthday. Happy Birthday Rosie ! We were again blessed with a fine afternoon and evening of good weather as in previous years. As usual there was a lot of preparation before and de-rigging and clearing up after the event. In this respect, many thanks to Joel, Scarlet, Peter and Robin for their efforts – and me and Rosie too !  There are photos and video footage now available to view – just click on Photos & Videos above !

You can also see some recently added photos and a video clip from a recent Jam Night at The Middlesex Arms on 15th July.  Many thanks to Dan for his contribution.

On the subject of Jam Night, this coming Thursday 19th August will be my last appearance for about three weeks as next week I will be having surgery on my offending knee joint and will then be resting up while the healing process gets under way followed by rehabilitation to get the muscles up and running again. Suffice it to say, I wont be around much in the coming weeks.  Many of you will know that I have been struggling with a painful and swollen knee for a while now. The deterioration of my condition has forced me to put football on hold and has seriously limited my cricket involvement this season. Hopefully, I’ll be back in action soon.

Ed Hamilton played at The Prince Of Wales in Oatlands on Sunday 1st August. Me and Rosie went along to see him on a quiet Sunday evening. It may have been quiet but it was enjoyable none the less.

So, that’s about it for this round-up of recent stuff.  See you when I’m back on my feet again.  BFN, Rob.

Riff Raff

Hello everyone.

I’m afraid I’ve been out of circulation over the past couple of weeks. This is due to my long term knee problems which have been more troublesome of late and then this week I’ve been struck down by an attack of Gout !  OK, you can laugh if you like but it’s not a lot of fun I can tell you. It’s very painful and debilitating, and reduced my mobility on a good day, to hobbling about !  As a result of  all this, cricket and 5-a-side footie has had to be curtailed and I was not fit enough to go to jam night last night either. At least the World Cup has been on during my days of inactivity.

Anyway, all things being equal, I should be pain free within the the next few days enabling me to continue with my usual activities. This will include rehearsing in the studio with the Riff Raff boys for one or two forthcoming gigs,  and a solo gig, later this month. See details in the right hand column and on the Gigs page.

OK, time to hobble off !   Hope to see to soon.   BFN.   Rob.

Hello everyone.

The Middlesex Arms

Having captured some footage at Jam Night at The Middlesex Arms last Thursday, the first I’ve done for quite some time, I have now completed all the editing and the finished article is now available for you to view.

You may have missed Jam Night last week, or you may have been there and want to relive some classic moments, or you may have been just too drunk to remember them. Don’t worry – Just click on  Photos & Videos and scroll down to the Videos section to see twenty minutes or so of last week’s hightlights !

This week I’m in the studio with the Riff Raff boys and then it’s Jam Night again on Thursday – Hope to see you there !

BFN, Rob.

I’ve recently splashed out on a couple of items for use in my recording studio set-up.
Here are my reviews of two pieces of kit !

SE2000 Studio Mic

SE2000 Condenser Studio Microphone

The SE2000 is a great studio mic giving great recorded sounds for the price. I’ve recorded vocals and acoustic guitar with great results. This easy to use mic gives you really professional recorded sounds on a budget.

Behringer HA400 Micro Amp

Behringer HA400 Headphone Micro Amp

The Behringer HA400 has four stereo outputs, allowing up to four sets of headphones to be used simultaneously. Each has its own volume control and produces crystal clear sound quality, and no noise !  A good price too for a simple, easy to use piece of studio kit.

BFN,  Rob.

Hello everyone.

Sorry if I’ve been neglecting you all recently, but I’ve been rather busy in the last few weeks. So much so that there’s not enough space here to recount everything that’s been going on. We’re probably talking novel proportions here !  So what follows is a brief edited version of some recent events you may find entertaining.

Where am I ? In 'The Village' !

So, what have I beeen up to lately ?

Well, if you log onto this website : you will be able see photos and video clips from my recent wedding to Rosie ( only 20 years in the making ), plus Honeymoon highlights too, including our visit to Portmeirion ( yes, we managed to escape from ‘The Village’ ) and the Ffestiniog railway.

We also visited Llanfairpwllg … well, you know the rest don’t you ! ?

I missed a couple of weeks at Jam Night but re-appeared Thursday just gone. Good to get back to playing again ! Couldn’t help noticing my fingers were a little sore afterwards. This is what happens when you don’t play for three weeks !

So, I’ve started running through a few numbers to harden my fingers back up again and in preparation for my Gig on Friday 4th June at The Barley Mow, Shepperton. Hope some of you can get down there !

Anyway, I don’t know about you but I’m looking forward to the World Cup. It’ll probably all end in tears though, just like it usually does.

BFN,       Rob.