Riff Raff, Robfest and The Eastcote Arms

Riff Raff / Robfest ’09

Riff Raff at Robfest '09

Riff Raff at Robfest '09

So Robfest is over for another year. It seemed to just whizz past at a rate of knots. Thanks to everyone who came. I hope you had a great afternoon / evening and were suitably entertained !  Was it the biggest and best Robfest yet ?  Well, probably !  It was certainly the biggest as far as the photos are concerned. You’ll find a massive 71 photos – SEVENTY ONE  ( thought I saw smoke coming out of the camera ) now available for viewing on the Photos & Videos page. Have a look – you might even see yourself … hope it’s not too embarassing !

So what will Riff Raff be doing next, you may well ask ?  Having a break !  “What, another one ?”  I hear one or two die-hards cry. Well, yes – until we get another gig basically. Mind you we do have one in November. It’s all go isn’t it ! ?

MOT at The Eastcote Arms

Marco - to front "MOT"

Marco - to front "MOT"

However, I will be straight back into action next Saturday 15th August, playing with the Jam Night Band, aka “MOT” at the Eastcote Arms in South Harrow. The line -up looks like it will be : Me and Lenny on guitars, Me and Marco on vocals, Ted on bass guitar and Matthew on drums. We’re starting at around 9.30 and playing loads of the sort of classic rock you’ve come to expect from us Jam Night chaps. So come down, everyone’s welcome – It promises to be a great night – one to remember ! !

So, see you there !      BFN,     Rob.

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