Hello everyone.
Well, it’s been a little while since I last wrote. So, here’s the latest !
I’ve been continuing with my appearances at the Thursday Night Jam Nights at The Middlesex Arms – yes folks, it’s still on – Every Thursday ! So come down and join in.

QPR on the attack on the Subbuteo table !
I’ve also been doing a bit of recording here and there too. So nothing you wouldn’t expect me to be involving myself in really.
But, believe it or not, after thirty five years ( or whatever it is ), the Subbuteo is back out. Yes folks, flicking little plastic men round a table, kicking a little plastic ball, is what I’ve been up to lately. I’ve come full circle, as I used to play a lot before my Sunday morning league football days started. Now I can’t play anymore, the Subbuteo is back – and I’m even in a league too. But, more of all that next time when you’ve recovered from the shock.
Oh well, that’s it for now. Time to get flicking again. BFN, Rob.