Hello everyone.
Well, it’s been pretty busy lately, with recording with the Riff Raff chaps taking priority, as we take another step closer to the completion of the ‘Hands On’ CD. However, there have been other things going on, too !

The Hog's Back Brewery, Tongham
On Saturday afternoon, Rosie and I made a return visit to the Hog’s Back Brewery in Tongham. We didn’t consume on the premesis but needless to say I brought enough home to kick off the Christmas festivities in a few weeks time. My purchases included several bottles of Burma Star Ale (BSA), a tawny coloured, well hopped, full bodied ale with hints of roasted malt ( y’see, I do like you to be informed about the more technical side of real ale and their varied and distinctive flavours ). BSA is dedicated to the courage of all those who earned the Burma Star in World War II and Hog’s Back Brewery donates a portion of the revenue from this ale to the Burma Star Association.
In the evening we went along to John’s 50th Birthday Party. John is a team-mate of mine from the Cricket Club and I also play 5-a-side footie with him too ! It was well attended and I’m sure John had a good time – Happy Birthday John !
Rewind to last Thursday and Jam Night was once again a success. It was very busy, despite a slow start. Is it that people still haven’t adjusted to the earlier 9 o’clock start ? Possibly, but it was regrettable that there were some people who didn’t get to play, as we ran out of time. Anyway, not for the first time in recent weeks, Riff Raff John was in the audience, taking a welcome break from the intense recording sessions at ‘Shabby Road’ for the forthcoming ‘Hands On’ CD !
OK, that’s enough waffling from me, for now. I think I might crack open a bottle of BSA … makes a change from Russian Caravan or PG !
BFN, Cheers, Rob.