Hi there !
Well, it’s been a busy bank holiday weekend, and no mistake. Here are the edited highlights !

Power Of Soul
Saturday evening was spent at The Crown in Cowley, where Power of Soul were performing and, as usual, Gavin and the boys played some superb soul music. I haven’t been to see them play for some while so it made quite a pleasant change from the usual crash bang, noisy guitar bands which I would normally go and see. So, next time you get the chance, go and see ‘Power of Herring’ … sorry, I mean ‘Power of Soul’ … I always get the wrong fish !
Earlier in the day I went with Rosie for a look round St. Albans. A nice change of scenery but the traffic was a bit heavier than anticipated. Still, we had a quick bite to eat and took a few pictures of the Abbey.
On Sunday, I had a trot out for another game of cricket. I managed seven overs – didn’t bowl too bad ! I picked up a wicket – a rather pleasing little ‘caught behind’ despite still being restricted with my knee … And we lost ! Oh well, try again next week ! The after-match trip to ‘School Of Spice’ in Shepperton, was well worth the visit. Good food, good service, and a very nice place to go to tuck into your Jalfrezi ! Cheers Tom and good luck on your travels !
Rosie took me to Hastings on bank holiday Monday, but she wasn’t terribly impressed with the place. However, we were impressed with The Chequers in Battle ; a pleasant pub we stopped at for lunch. The food was excellent, matched by the friendly staff and service. If you’re in the the Hastings area and you’re looking for a decent pub, you could do a lot worse than The Chequers in Battle ! ( Hmm, I could be the new Egon Ronay ! ) Right, that’s the end of the commercial … what’s next ? … Not a lot actually !
So, hope to see loads of people at Jam Night on Thursday. Don’t forget, from now on, it starts at 9pm and finishes at 11.30pm ! Until then, BFN, Rob.