Eel Pie etc.

In the words of David Jacobs – “Hello there !”

Rob at a previous gig

Another couple of weeks or so have elapsed since my last up-date ! So what’s new ?

Well, I’m pleased to say I’ve had my knee operation and all seems to be going well. Having recovered from the initial effects, I’m now starting to get out and about a bit and my rehabilitation seems to be showing signs of moving on a little since starting physiotherapy last week.

Last Thursday I visited Jam Night as a ‘punter’, as I’m still a few weeks away from being fit enough to resume normal duties. I did make a cameo appearance though, playing guitar on a couple of numbers, backing ‘Elliot’.

Last Monday was one of those rare days in the calendar, that the people of this country are given, a paultry number of times every year – a Bank Holiday !  So it was that I found myself just across the water from a famous old musical haunt from years gone by : Eel Pie Island.   Situated on the Thames at Twickenham, Eel Pie Island opened in 1956 as a trad jazz club. By early 1960’s, it had become a rhythm and blues venue and boasted an impressive roll call of bands and solo artists such as Alexis Korner, The Animals, The Yardbirds, The Rolling Stones, Long John Baldry, The Who, The Moody Blues, Rod Stewart, to name but a few. The club was closed down in the 1970’s and Eel Pie Island is now a private residential area. That’s the end of my very brief history lesson !

I’ve spent the last couple of weeks or so working on some new backing tracks, so that when I’m back in action again, I’ll have a few new numbers to play for you, my loyal followers, when you turn up to enjoy one of my ‘Rob Live’ solo gigs !  I’m not sure at this stage when that’s likely to be  – watch this space !

Well that’s about it for now.  Time for me to get back to the physiotherapy and backing tracks. Oh and the kettle’s just boiled too.  Such excitement ! !

BFN,  Rob.

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