Hello everyone.
Sorry if I’ve been neglecting you all recently, but I’ve been rather busy in the last few weeks. So much so that there’s not enough space here to recount everything that’s been going on. We’re probably talking novel proportions here ! So what follows is a brief edited version of some recent events you may find entertaining.

Where am I ? In 'The Village' !
So, what have I beeen up to lately ?
Well, if you log onto this website : www.rosieandrobswedding.co.uk you will be able see photos and video clips from my recent wedding to Rosie ( only 20 years in the making ), plus Honeymoon highlights too, including our visit to Portmeirion ( yes, we managed to escape from ‘The Village’ ) and the Ffestiniog railway.
We also visited Llanfairpwllg … well, you know the rest don’t you ! ?
I missed a couple of weeks at Jam Night but re-appeared Thursday just gone. Good to get back to playing again ! Couldn’t help noticing my fingers were a little sore afterwards. This is what happens when you don’t play for three weeks !
So, I’ve started running through a few numbers to harden my fingers back up again and in preparation for my Gig on Friday 4th June at The Barley Mow, Shepperton. Hope some of you can get down there !
Anyway, I don’t know about you but I’m looking forward to the World Cup. It’ll probably all end in tears though, just like it usually does.
BFN, Rob.