Last weekend saw rather a lot of rain ! This has been followed by even more rain throughout the week ! Amidst this seemingly constant deluge, a number of things, musically have taken place or have been arranged for the entertainment of you, the loyal and dedicated music loving punters !

Riff Raff at Harrow Museum
Last Sunday lunchtime, the mighty Riff Raff took to the stage for a gig at Harrow Museum. It was nice to play on a large stage for a change, even though we had to keep the volume down a bit. All present seemed to appreciate our efforts and hopefully we’ll be back their soon. Photos and video footage will be appearing soon.

MOT at The Eastcote
Next Saturday, 5th December, ‘MOT’ are back at the Eastcote in South Harrow. The band is hoping for a good turnout to kick off the forthcoming Christmas festivities. See the Gigs page for details.
I’ve booked a solo gig to kick off the new year. I will be appearing at The Barley Mow in Shepperton on Friday 8th January 2010. See the Gigs page for details. So get yer diaries out and make a note !
BFN, Rob