Shepperton – Never A Dull Moment

If you flick back to my ‘blog’ on the home page, of October 18th 2008, entitled ‘Fan Mail’,  you will see that I was accosted by one of the local women ! !  Well, fast forward to Friday 1st May 2009 , I was back at The Barley Mow enjoying Vinnie & Co., a very entertaining duo with Vinnie on keyboards and his drummer – both very good.

The drummer is appearing in his band at The Dog & Partridge, Staines tomorrow tonight ( Saturday ) and Vinnie will be there on Bank Holiday Monday from 4 to 8 pm. Both will be well worth going to see !

Anyway, the point is, the accosting woman was there again and dinking about in a drunken stupour, though not quite as far gone as my previous encounter. As luck would have it she didn’t come within molesting distance, so I can now breathe a sigh of relief, having got out unscathed.

But seemingly, there’s never a dull moment when you’re in that neck of the woods. Me and Rosie just got back to the car when two loud mouthed yobs on bikes directed “Get yer ‘air cut mate” in my direction.  Well I was a bit agrieved, as I had spent some considerable hours this week cutting it to near perfection. OK, it’s not quite there yet as I’ll still need to devote a bit more time to ‘fine tuning’ it.  The bike chaps sped away down the road shouting neanderthal phrases at the tops of their voices for the whole neighbourhood to enjoy … at 11.30 pm … great for parents of young children at that time of night !  I couldn’t help thinking that, far from worrying about my hair length, they should really be contemplating the purchase of a new brain cell or two, which may have been of more value given that neither of them had any lights on their bikes.  Still, the folk of downtown Shepperton are surely capable of sorting these sorts of issues out for themselves … just hope, contrary to what I’ve been told, that not too many of them are inbreeds !

Oh well, can’t stay up all night worrying about that. I’m off to bed now.

So, BFN,          Rob.

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