Fan mail

Here’s a message to all my loyal fans out there.

Unlike some other parties, I will be continuing to accept fan mail, with or without love and peace, for the forseeable future. Well, that’s if anyone does actually send me any in the first place of course. But just to reassure anyone who is considering sending me an e-mail, there’s no deadline of the Nth of October or November or whenever, and I will read them all, despite the massive quantities I may receive. Technical difficulties aside, I undertake reply to all e-mails in due course.

Seriously though, I am genuinely worried about Ringo. As a Beatles fan I wish him well, as I fear his recent outburst may be some manifestation of impending ill-health. I do hope I’m wrong.

Last night saw a strange evening at The Barley Mow in Shepperton. Me and Rosie went to see Fast Buck. They were on form as usual and as I sat sipping my half pint ( good beers at the Barley Mow ),  I was accossted by a lady, one of the locals / regulars presumably, unable to accept that I was out for a quiet drink and a listen to my favourite local act. Did she want my autograph or something ? … Which sort of brings me back to my opening point. Maybe Ringo’s right after all !

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